A little bit more about me
I have 10+ years of experience in graphic design and illustration
I drink a ridiculous amount of tea
I have specialised experience working with both neurodivergent and neurotypical students - in the Art GCSE and other core subjects
I love plants
I have created several viral art pieces that have been shared by multiple celebrities
I love playing Dungeons and Dragons
My favourite art medium is a plain old black biro
My 'go-to' karaoke song is "Life is a highway" - Rascall Flatts from the Pixar movie Cars
Jess Phillips
Former GCSE Art Student-turned-tutor

A* (9)
Years in graphic design
Grade in GCSE Art
Cups of tea I've had today
Years working with SEN and Neurodivergent individuals
How many colours I wear at once
How many different bright colours I've dyed my hair